Master’s internship
If you are looking for an internship for your Master’s studies and would like to work with me on block random matrices, non-commutative Sinkhorn scaling algorithms, quantum incompatibility, random ...
If you are looking for an internship for your Master’s studies and would like to work with me on block random matrices, non-commutative Sinkhorn scaling algorithms, quantum incompatibility, random ...
We have, with Moto Fukuda, a new paper on the arXiv, Enumerating meandric systems with large number of components, which deals with the enumeration of meandric systems. In combinatorics, a meander...
Tristan Benoist and I have just arXived our paper On bipartite unitary matrices generating subalgebra–preserving quantum operations. We characterize the set of bipartite unitary operators which giv...
I am one of the organizers of a 3-month semester on quantum information theory ad the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris. Among other events, there will be a one-week workshop on Probabilistic techni...
Last week, at the invitation of Hun Hee Lee, I gave a series of three lectures on some applications of random matrix theory to problems in quantum information theory. The notes are available here. ...
I am organizing a week-long workshop in Toulouse, on topics of optimization problems in quantum information theory. Besides the usual research talks, there will be lectures by Aram Harrow, Jean Ber...
I am one of the organizers of the workshop Quantum Thermodynamics and Quantum Information Theory that will take place in Toulouse, from 9-11 September 2015. Participation is free and open, so email...
In this short post, I would like to discuss a special case of the construction introduced in the first part of the series, that is compute the set $K_{A_n}$, where $A_n \subset \mathbb C^n \otimes ...
A couple of days ago, I remembered the following fun fact from my high-school days in Romania: $! \frac{1}{9801}=0,(000102030405\cdots939495969799).$ First, note that I am using the European notat...
Together with Adrian Basarab and Denis Kouamé, we are looking for a masters student who will work on compressive sensing, random matrices and applications to medical imaging. We are looking for a c...