


  1. From meanders to quantum max-flow via random matrix models, Discrete math seminar, IMT, October 2024
  2. Tensor freeness and applications to quantum information theory, Random Tensors school, IHP, September 2024
  3. Monogamy of highly symmetric states, IPAM workshop on Tensor Networks, February 2024 [video]
  4. Monogamy of highly symmetric states, ANR QuDATA Workshop, January 2024 [pdf]
  5. Lectures on quantum information theory, Quantum Information Theory and Free Probability conference, NYU Abu Dhabi, January 2024 [html]


  1. Monogamy of highly symmetric states, Japanese-French Quantum Information 2023 workshop, December 2023 [pdf]
  2. Classical and quantum marginal problems, LIG quantum seminar, November 2023
  3. Random tensor flattenings, Virtual Tensor Journal Club, November 2023 [pluto.jl]
  4. Operator-valued free probability and flattenings of random tensors, SNU, October 2023 [nb and pdf]
  5. Diagonal Unitary and Orthogonal Symmetries in Quantum Theory, invited talk at CEQIP2023, Smolenice castle, Slovakia, September 2023 [pdf]
  6. On random quantum channels – short lecture at the MEGA Random Matrices seminar, Paris, June 2023
  7. Diagonal Unitary and Orthogonal Symmetries in Quantum Theory, ILAS “Linear algebra and quantum information theory” mini-symposium, Madrid, June 2023 [pdf]
  8. Matrix convex sets with polytope base, quantum Latin squares, and compatibility, MFO workshop New Directions in Real Algebraic Geometry, March 2023 [pdf]
  9. Tensors, meanders, and free probability, Random Matrices seminar, ENS Lyon, March 2023
  10. On spectral properties of random quantum channels, HDR defense, Toulouse, January 2023 [pdf]


  1. The asymptotic limit of random tensor flattenings, Probability Seminar, IMT, December 2022
  2. Measurement incompatibility vs. Bell non-locality, IQOC “Défi clé Technologies quantiques” workshop, Montpellier, December 2022 [pdf]
  3. Applications of free probability to quantum information theoryESQuisses Free Probability meeting, Paris, October 2022
  4. Some applications of free spectrahedra to quantum information theory – plenary talk at the 33rd IWOTA, Krakow, Poland, September 2022 [pdf]
  5. Some applications of free spectrahedra to quantum information theory – plenary talk at the XVème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées, Toulouse, August 2022 [pdf]
  6. Diagonal Unitary and Orthogonal Symmetries in Quantum Theory, Hadamard 2020+2, Krakow, June 2022 [pdf]
  7. Entanglement of random quantum states, Online Mathematical Physics Seminar, U Nottingham, April 2022 [pdf]
  8. Measurement incompatibility vs. Bell non-locality, NanoX-FeRMI days, Toulouse, March 2022 [pdf]
  9. The HHL quantum algorithm – Quantum Information Theory reading group, Toulouse – January 2022


  1. An introduction to GPTs – GT Info Quantique LaBRI, Bordeaux – December 2021 [pdf]
  2. Tensor norms and applications to quantum information theoryQMATH seminar, November 2021 [pdf]
  3. Completely Positive Matrices and Quantum Entanglement – Department of Theoretical Physics Seminar, NIPNE Bucharest – September 2021 [pdf]
  4. Completely Positive Matrices and Quantum EntanglementSIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Quantum Information and Algebraic Geometry mini-symposium – August 2021 [pdf]
  5. Some applications of free spectrahedra to quantum information theory – invited talk at ICMP 2021, Quantum Information session [pdf]
  6. An introduction to tensors – 3rd online Sakura meeting – July 2021 [pdf]
  7. Quantum information theory and Reznick’s Positivstellensatz8th ECM, Computational aspects of commutative and noncommutative positive polynomials minisymposium – June 2021 [pdf]
  8. PPT2 holds for independent states, after Collins, Yin, and Zhong – PHC Procope meeting on the PPT2 conjecture – June 2021 [pdf]
  9. Enumerating meanders – three perspectivesConference on Operator Algebras and Related Topics, in memory of Vaughan Jones – June 2021 [pdf]
  10. Asymptotic Freeness of Layerwise Jacobians Caused by Invariance of Multilayer Perceptron: The Haar Orthogonal Case, after Collins and Hayase – Nerual Networks reading group, ANR STARS – May 2021
  11. Free spectrahedra and compatibility of quantum measurements – Operator Algebra seminar of the IMAR – April 2021 [pdf]
  12. Presentation of WP6: Random quantum circuits – Kick-off meeting of the ANR project ESQuisses – April 2021
  13. Mathematical aspects of Google’s quantum supremacy experiment – GT Info Quantique LaBRI, Bordeaux – January 2021 [pdf]
  14. The PPT2 conjecture holds for diagonal unitary covariant maps – Quantum Lunch seminar, QMath, Copenhagen – January 2021 [pdf]


  1. The multiple facets of measurement compatibility in GPTs – QIF seminar, Turku – November 2020 [pdf]
  2. Multipartite entanglement detection via projective tensor norms – SNU operator algebra seminar – October 2020 [pdf]
  3. Multipartite entanglement detection via projective tensor norms – CIRM workshop Entangling Non-commutative Functional Analysis and Geometry of Banach Spaces – October 2020 [pdf] [video]
  4. Random quantum channels: spectral properties & more – Probability theory seminar, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse – October 2020 [pdf]
  5. Asymptotic properties of random quantum states and channels – Random Matrix Theory seminar, University of Melbourne – May 2020 [pdf]
  6. Compatibility of quantum measurements and inclusion of free spectrahedraQuantum Seminar, ENS Lyon – May 2020 [pdf]
  7. Approximating ground states of gapped local Hamiltonians by Matrix Product States – GdT Quantum spin systems IMT/LPT Toulouse – April 2020 [pdf]
  8. Lieb-Robinson bounds – GdT Quantum spin systems IMT/LPT Toulouse – February 2020 [pdf]
  9. On the joint distribution of the marginals of multipartite Wishart matrices – Probability Theory seminar, ENS Lyon – January 2020
  10. On the (in-)compatibility of generic quantum measurements – ​4th Bangkok Workshop on Discrete Geometry Dynamics and Statistics – January 2020 [pdf]


  1. Compatibility of quantum measurements​​​Meeting in Mathematical Statistics, CIRM, Luminy – December 2019 [pdf]
  2. Quantum information theory and Reznick’s PositivstellensatzJournées Informatique Quantique 2019, Besançon – November 2019 [pdf]
  3. Compatibility of quantum measurements and inclusion of free spectrahedraNoncommutative Analysis, Computational Complexity, and Quantum Information workshop, CMSA Harvard – October 2019 [pdf] [video]
  4. Spiked random tensors – the lower boundRandom Tensors reading group, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse – July 2019 [pdf]
  5. Random quantum states and channelsJournées IOPS 2019, Le Teich – June 2019 [pdf-states and pdf-channels]
  6. Quantum de Finetti theorems and Reznick’s PositivstellensatzInteractions between Noncommutative Analysis and Quantum Information theory workshop, Harbin, China – June 2019 [pdf]
  7. Quantum de Finetti theorems and Reznick’s Positivstellensatz – Mathematical Aspects in Current Quantum Information Theory 2019 workshop MAQIT 2019, Seoul, Korea – May 2019 [pdf]
  8. Quantum de Finetti theorems and Reznick’s Positivstellensatz – Second workshop of the program on Operator Algebras, Groups and Applications to Quantum Information, ICMAT, Madrid – May 2019 [pdf]
  9. Applications of random matrices in quantum information theory – School II of the program Operator Algebras, Groups and Applications to Quantum Information, ICMAT, Madrid – May 2019 [pdf] [ipynb]
  10. Partial transposition of random matrices: old and new – CIRM workshop Random Matrices and Random Graphs, Luminy – April 2019
  11. Norms of random tensors – TUM – M5 group retreat on Randomized Linear Algebra, Reitenhaslach, Germany – March 2019
  12. A mathematical introduction to Quantum Information Theory – LabRI, Bordeaux – February 2019 [pdf]
  13. Introduction aux tenseursRandom Tensors reading group, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse – January 2019


  1. On the number of components of random meandric systems – joint talk given with Alexandru Nica at the Oberwolfach workshop Free Probability Theory – December 2018 [pdf]
  2. Une introduction à la théorie de l’information quantiqueColloquium de l’Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux – November 2018 [pdf]
  3. Enumerating meanders: three perspectivesPhysics and mathematics of discrete geometries, Nagoya – November 2018
  4. Weingarten calculus and applications to Quantum Information Theory – Annual meeting of the SFB TRR 195 Tübingen – September 2018 [pdf]
  5. The joint distribution of the marginals of multipartite Wishart random matrices – Probability theory seminar, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse – September 2018
  6. Quantum de Finetti theorems and Reznick’s Positivstellensatz – Workshop on Interactions between Operator Space Theory and Quantum Probability
    with Applications to Quantum Information, Oberwolfach – May 2018 [pdf]
  7. Entanglement of generic quantum states – TCQP Seminar, Turku – March 2018 [pdf]
  8. Nonlocal games and quantum permutation groups – QIT reading group, Munich – January 2018


  1. Positivity, Hilbert’s 17th problem, and applications to quantum entanglement – UPT Seminar, Timisoara – August 2017
  2. On some applications of Random Matrices in Quantum Information TheoryQUATR-17, Skoltech Moscow – June 2017
  3. On some uses of random matrices in quantum information theory – Analysis und Zufall seminar, TU Munich – June 2017
  4. Block-modified random matrices and applications to entanglement theoryMEGA seminar on random matrices and random graphs, Paris – May 2017 [pdf]
  5. Free compression norms and applications to quantum information theory – Mathematical physics seminar, Bristol – March 2017 [pdf]


  1. Quantum channels, groups, and non-commutative iterative scaling algorithms – CIMI workshop Complex analysis and noncommutative functions, Toulouse – October 2016
  2. Some analytical aspects of Hadamard matrices – Quantum Information Theory and Mathematical Physics, Budapest – September 2016 [pdf]
  3. Bipartite unitary operators inducing special classes of quantum channels – CTPGA Workshop Open Quantum Systems, Grenoble – May 2016 [pdf]
  4. Bipartite unitary operators inducing unitarily invariant classes of quantum channels – RCQI seminar, Bratislava – April 2016
  5. Sur l’intrication qubit-qudit – Quantum information theory seminar, University Lyon 1 – March 2016
  6. Random quantum channels and additivity violations – Random matrices seminar, IST Austria – March 2016 [pdf]
  7. Using random matrices in quantum information theory – 3 lectures at Seoul National University – February 2016 [pdf]
  8. Block-modified random matrices, operator-valued free probability, and applications to entanglement theory – Mathematical Aspects in Current Quantum Information Theory, Daejeon – February 2016 [pdf]


  1. Block-modified random matrices, operator-valued free probability, and
    applications to entanglement theory
    – Journées OSQPI, Paris – October 2015 [pdf]
  2. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – MPQ Quantum Coffee, Munich – July 2015 [pdf]
  3. Random quantum channels and additivity violations – invited lecture, Conference on Quantum Groups and Quantum Information Theory, Herstmonceux – July 2015 [pdf]
  4. Bipartite unitary operators inducing unitarily invariant classes of quantum channels – Quantum Markov Semigroups: Decoherence and empirical estimates, Genova – July 2015 [pdf]
  5. On random subspaces of matrices and free compression norms – Seminar, TU Graz – May 2015


  1. Quantum channels with polytopic images – ANR StoQ Meeting, Lyon – November 2014 [pdf]
  2. Quantum channels with polytopic images – MPQ Quantum Coffee, Munich – November 2014
  3. On qubit-qudit entanglement – TUM group retreat, Walting – September 2014
  4. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – 16th workshop on non-commutative harmonic analysis, Bedlewo – July 2014 [pdf]
  5. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – Random matrix theory: foundations and applications, Cracow – July 2014 [pdf]
  6. Random matrices and their use in Quantum Information Theory – 14th Annual Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information, Guelph – June 2014
  7. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – Operator Algebra Seminar, Tokyo – June 2014
  8. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – Operator Algebra Seminar, Kyoto – May 2014
  9. Entanglement of generic quantum states – IRSAMC Seminar, Toulouse – May 2014 [pdf]


  1. Optimization over random subspaces of matrices and free compression norms – Free Probability seminar, Saarbrücken – October 2013
  2. Random matrix theory with a view towards free probability, and connections to quantum information – New Mathematical Directions for Quantum Information workshop, Newton Institute, Cambridge – September 2013 [pdf, video 1, video 2]
  3. Invitation to (almost) Hadamard matrices – TUM group retreat, Zell am See – July 2013
  4. Entanglement of random subspaces – Advances on Open Quantum Systems summer school, Autrans – July 2013 [pdf]
  5. On the additivity of the minimum entropy of certain subspaces of tensor products – Workshop on Operator Spaces, Harmonic Analysis and Quantum Probability, Madrid – June 2013
  6. Intrication pour les états bipartis mélangés – Cogit meeting, Rouen – June 2013
  7. Random Subspaces of a Tensor Product and the Additivity Problem – UPT seminar, Timisaora – April 2013 [pdf]
  8. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – EMS-DMF joint mathematical weekend, Aarhus – April 2013 [pdf]
  9. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – Colloquium talk, St. John’s – January 2013 [pdf]


  1. Sur les valeurs singulières d’un ensemble de matrices rectangulaires – Séminaire d’Analyse, Lyon – October 2012
  2. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – Operator Spaces and Quantum Information Theory workshop, Lyon – October 2012
  3. Random subspaces of a tensor product and the additivity problem – DMV Annual Meeting 2012, Saarland University – September 2012 [pdf]
  4. Random subspaces of a tensor product and the additivity problem – TUM seminar, München – September 2012 [pdf]
  5. Random subspaces of a tensor product and the additivity problem – XIème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées, Bucuresti – August 2012 [pdf]
  6. Random subspaces of a tensor product and the additivity problem – Operator Spaces, Quantum Probability and Applications Workshop, Wuhan – June 2012 [pdf]
  7. Random Subspaces of a Tensor Product and the Additivity Problem – Probabilistic Methods in Quantum Mechanics Workshop, Lyon – May 2012 [pdf]
  8. Block-modified Wishart matrices and applications to entanglement theory – Random matrices and integrable systems winter school, Les Houches – March 2012
  9. Operations algebriques sur des matrices de Wishart par blocs et applications à la mecanique quantique – Seminaire Matrices Aleatoires – February 2012
  10. Statistical properties of random quantum channels – Invited lecture, CIRM workshop on the Geometry of Quantum Entanglement – January 2012


  1. Block-modified Wishart matrices and applications to entanglement theory – GDR IQFA Workshop, Paris – November 2011 [pdf]
  2. Block-modified Wishart matrices and applications to entanglement theory – Joint EMS-RMSE Mathematical Weekend, Bilbao – October 2011 [pdf]
  3. Block-modified Wishart matrices and applications to entanglement theory – 14th Non-commutative harmonic analysis Workshop, Bedlewo – September 2011 [pdf]
  4. Positivity in Quantum Information Theory – Positivity Workshop, Fields Institute, Toronto – August 2011 [pdf]
  5. Asymptotic eigenvalues of block-transposed Wishart matrices – Analysis seminar, University of Ottawa – June 2011
  6. Additivité de la capacité des canaux quantiques, ou comment l’intrication peut aider la transmission de l’information – Annual meeting between the Mathematics and Physics departments at the Univeristy of Toulouse – April 2011 [pdf]
  7. Random subspaces of a tensor product and the additivity problem – Quantum Information Theory Seminar, Madrid – March 2011
  8. Valeurs et vecteurs propres associés aux sous-espaces aléatoires d’un produit tensoriel – Séminaire de probabilités, Toulouse – February 2011
  9. Propriétés statistiques des états quantiques aléatoires – Séminaire de probabilités, Cergy – February 2011 [pdf]


  1. Random quantum states – Open Quantum Systems conference, Grenoble – November 2010 [pdf]
  2. Graphical calculus for random quantum channels – Mittag-Leffler program on QIT, Stockholm – November 2010 [pdf]
  3. Entanglement of random subspaces – Workshop on Groups and Group Actions in Operator Theory, Ottawa – July 2010
  4. Random graph states and area laws – Random Matrix Techniques in Quantum Information Theory workshop, Waterloo – July 2010 [pdf]
  5. Random graph states, maximum flow on networks and the Fuss-Catalan ensembles of density matrices – IQC Colloquium, Waterloo – March 2010 [pdf]
  6. Random matrix techniques in quantum information theory – Analysis seminar, Saskatoon – March 2010
  7. Free probability techniques in quantum information theory – QIP 2010 Rump Session, Zurich – January 2010 [pdf]
  8. Applications des probabilités libres à la théorie quantique de l’information – Séminaire des matrices aléatoires, Toulouse – January 2010
  9. Free probability techniques in quantum information theory – Analysis seminar, Waterloo University – January 2010


  1. Random matrix models in quantum information theory – invited talk at the Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting, Windsor – December 2009
  2. Products of random quantum channels – McGill Cryptography and Quantum Information seminar, Montréal – September 2009 [pdf]
  3. Random matrix models in quantum information theory – Free probability seminar, Kingston – September 2009
  4. Random quantum channels: graphical calculus – Fields Workshop on Operator Structures in Quantum Information, Toronto – July 2009 [pdf]
  5. Majorization, entanglement catalysis, stochastic domination and l_p norms – Fields Workshop on Operator Structures in Quantum Information, Toronto – July 2009 [pdf]
  6. Canaux quantiques aléatoires et le problème d’additivité – Random Matrix Seminar, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse – June 2009 [pdf]
  7. A graphical calculus for random quantum channels in quantum information theory – atelier Décohérence et information quantique, Grenoble – June 2009
  8. Random repeated quantum interactions and random invariant states – Journées Systèmes Ouverts, Grenoble – March 2009 [pdf]
  9. A new diagrammatic approach to matrix integrals with applications to quantum information theory – Student talk at the winter school Geneva-Lyon on mathematical physics, Les Diablerets – February 2009


  1. A permutation model for free random variables – Special talk at the mini-workshop “Introduction to infinite-dimensional topological groups”, Ottawa – September 2008 [pdf]
  2. Transformations de l’intrication quantique – Colloque “Aspects théoriques de l’information quantique”, Aspet – June 2007 (text in french) [pdf]
  3. Transformations de l’intrication quantique – Séminaire du Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy – May 2007 (text in french) [pdf]
  4. Transformations de l’intrication quantique – Journées Informatique Quantique, Grenoble – May 2007 (text in french) [pdf]
  5. Random density matrices – Open Quantum Systems Days, Marseille – November 2006 [pdf]
  6. Matrices densités aléatoires – Séminaire de physique mathamatique, Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon – October 2006 [pdf]