


  1. Monogamy of highly symmetric states, IPAM workshop on Tensor Networks, February 2024 [video]
  2. Monogamy of highly symmetric states, ANR QuDATA Workshop, January 2024 [pdf]
  3. Lectures on quantum information theory, Quantum Information Theory and Free Probability conference, NYU Abu Dhabi, January 2024 [html]


  1. Monogamy of highly symmetric states, Japanese-French Quantum Information 2023 workshop, December 2023 [pdf]
  2. Classical and quantum marginal problems, LIG quantum seminar, November 2023
  3. Random tensor flattenings, Virtual Tensor Journal Club, November 2023 [pluto.jl]
  4. Operator-valued free probability and flattenings of random tensors, SNU, October 2023 [nb and pdf]
  5. Diagonal Unitary and Orthogonal Symmetries in Quantum Theory, invited talk at CEQIP2023, Smolenice castle, Slovakia, September 2023 [pdf]
  6. On random quantum channels – short lecture at the MEGA Random Matrices seminar, Paris, June 2023
  7. Diagonal Unitary and Orthogonal Symmetries in Quantum Theory, ILAS “Linear algebra and quantum information theory” mini-symposium, Madrid, June 2023 [pdf]
  8. Matrix convex sets with polytope base, quantum Latin squares, and compatibility, MFO workshop New Directions in Real Algebraic Geometry, March 2023 [pdf]
  9. Tensors, meanders, and free probability, Random Matrices seminar, ENS Lyon, March 2023
  10. On spectral properties of random quantum channels, HDR defense, Toulouse, January 2023 [pdf]


  1. The asymptotic limit of random tensor flattenings, Probability Seminar, IMT, December 2022
  2. Measurement incompatibility vs. Bell non-locality, IQOC “Défi clé Technologies quantiques” workshop, Montpellier, December 2022 [pdf]
  3. Applications of free probability to quantum information theoryESQuisses Free Probability meeting, Paris, October 2022
  4. Some applications of free spectrahedra to quantum information theory – plenary talk at the 33rd IWOTA, Krakow, Poland, September 2022 [pdf]
  5. Some applications of free spectrahedra to quantum information theory – plenary talk at the XVème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées, Toulouse, August 2022 [pdf]
  6. Diagonal Unitary and Orthogonal Symmetries in Quantum Theory, Hadamard 2020+2, Krakow, June 2022 [pdf]
  7. Entanglement of random quantum states, Online Mathematical Physics Seminar, U Nottingham, April 2022 [pdf]
  8. Measurement incompatibility vs. Bell non-locality, NanoX-FeRMI days, Toulouse, March 2022 [pdf]
  9. The HHL quantum algorithm – Quantum Information Theory reading group, Toulouse – January 2022


  1. An introduction to GPTs – GT Info Quantique LaBRI, Bordeaux – December 2021 [pdf]
  2. Tensor norms and applications to quantum information theoryQMATH seminar, November 2021 [pdf]
  3. Completely Positive Matrices and Quantum Entanglement – Department of Theoretical Physics Seminar, NIPNE Bucharest – September 2021 [pdf]
  4. Completely Positive Matrices and Quantum EntanglementSIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Quantum Information and Algebraic Geometry mini-symposium – August 2021 [pdf]
  5. Some applications of free spectrahedra to quantum information theory – invited talk at ICMP 2021, Quantum Information session [pdf]
  6. An introduction to tensors – 3rd online Sakura meeting – July 2021 [pdf]
  7. Quantum information theory and Reznick’s Positivstellensatz8th ECM, Computational aspects of commutative and noncommutative positive polynomials minisymposium – June 2021 [pdf]
  8. PPT2 holds for independent states, after Collins, Yin, and Zhong – PHC Procope meeting on the PPT2 conjecture – June 2021 [pdf]
  9. Enumerating meanders – three perspectivesConference on Operator Algebras and Related Topics, in memory of Vaughan Jones – June 2021 [pdf]
  10. Asymptotic Freeness of Layerwise Jacobians Caused by Invariance of Multilayer Perceptron: The Haar Orthogonal Case, after Collins and Hayase – Nerual Networks reading group, ANR STARS – May 2021
  11. Free spectrahedra and compatibility of quantum measurements – Operator Algebra seminar of the IMAR – April 2021 [pdf]
  12. Presentation of WP6: Random quantum circuits – Kick-off meeting of the ANR project ESQuisses – April 2021
  13. Mathematical aspects of Google’s quantum supremacy experiment – GT Info Quantique LaBRI, Bordeaux – January 2021 [pdf]
  14. The PPT2 conjecture holds for diagonal unitary covariant maps – Quantum Lunch seminar, QMath, Copenhagen – January 2021 [pdf]


  1. The multiple facets of measurement compatibility in GPTs – QIF seminar, Turku – November 2020 [pdf]
  2. Multipartite entanglement detection via projective tensor norms – SNU operator algebra seminar – October 2020 [pdf]
  3. Multipartite entanglement detection via projective tensor norms – CIRM workshop Entangling Non-commutative Functional Analysis and Geometry of Banach Spaces – October 2020 [pdf] [video]
  4. Random quantum channels: spectral properties & more – Probability theory seminar, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse – October 2020 [pdf]
  5. Asymptotic properties of random quantum states and channels – Random Matrix Theory seminar, University of Melbourne – May 2020 [pdf]
  6. Compatibility of quantum measurements and inclusion of free spectrahedraQuantum Seminar, ENS Lyon – May 2020 [pdf]
  7. Approximating ground states of gapped local Hamiltonians by Matrix Product States – GdT Quantum spin systems IMT/LPT Toulouse – April 2020 [pdf]
  8. Lieb-Robinson bounds – GdT Quantum spin systems IMT/LPT Toulouse – February 2020 [pdf]
  9. On the joint distribution of the marginals of multipartite Wishart matrices – Probability Theory seminar, ENS Lyon – January 2020
  10. On the (in-)compatibility of generic quantum measurements – ​4th Bangkok Workshop on Discrete Geometry Dynamics and Statistics – January 2020 [pdf]


  1. Compatibility of quantum measurements​​​Meeting in Mathematical Statistics, CIRM, Luminy – December 2019 [pdf]
  2. Quantum information theory and Reznick’s PositivstellensatzJournées Informatique Quantique 2019, Besançon – November 2019 [pdf]
  3. Compatibility of quantum measurements and inclusion of free spectrahedraNoncommutative Analysis, Computational Complexity, and Quantum Information workshop, CMSA Harvard – October 2019 [pdf] [video]
  4. Spiked random tensors – the lower boundRandom Tensors reading group, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse – July 2019 [pdf]
  5. Random quantum states and channelsJournées IOPS 2019, Le Teich – June 2019 [pdf-states and pdf-channels]
  6. Quantum de Finetti theorems and Reznick’s PositivstellensatzInteractions between Noncommutative Analysis and Quantum Information theory workshop, Harbin, China – June 2019 [pdf]
  7. Quantum de Finetti theorems and Reznick’s Positivstellensatz – Mathematical Aspects in Current Quantum Information Theory 2019 workshop MAQIT 2019, Seoul, Korea – May 2019 [pdf]
  8. Quantum de Finetti theorems and Reznick’s Positivstellensatz – Second workshop of the program on Operator Algebras, Groups and Applications to Quantum Information, ICMAT, Madrid – May 2019 [pdf]
  9. Applications of random matrices in quantum information theory – School II of the program Operator Algebras, Groups and Applications to Quantum Information, ICMAT, Madrid – May 2019 [pdf] [ipynb]
  10. Partial transposition of random matrices: old and new – CIRM workshop Random Matrices and Random Graphs, Luminy – April 2019
  11. Norms of random tensors – TUM – M5 group retreat on Randomized Linear Algebra, Reitenhaslach, Germany – March 2019
  12. A mathematical introduction to Quantum Information Theory – LabRI, Bordeaux – February 2019 [pdf]
  13. Introduction aux tenseursRandom Tensors reading group, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse – January 2019


  1. On the number of components of random meandric systems – joint talk given with Alexandru Nica at the Oberwolfach workshop Free Probability Theory – December 2018 [pdf]
  2. Une introduction à la théorie de l’information quantiqueColloquium de l’Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux – November 2018 [pdf]
  3. Enumerating meanders: three perspectivesPhysics and mathematics of discrete geometries, Nagoya – November 2018
  4. Weingarten calculus and applications to Quantum Information Theory – Annual meeting of the SFB TRR 195 Tübingen – September 2018 [pdf]
  5. The joint distribution of the marginals of multipartite Wishart random matrices – Probability theory seminar, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse – September 2018
  6. Quantum de Finetti theorems and Reznick’s Positivstellensatz – Workshop on Interactions between Operator Space Theory and Quantum Probability
    with Applications to Quantum Information, Oberwolfach – May 2018 [pdf]
  7. Entanglement of generic quantum states – TCQP Seminar, Turku – March 2018 [pdf]
  8. Nonlocal games and quantum permutation groups – QIT reading group, Munich – January 2018


  1. Positivity, Hilbert’s 17th problem, and applications to quantum entanglement – UPT Seminar, Timisoara – August 2017
  2. On some applications of Random Matrices in Quantum Information TheoryQUATR-17, Skoltech Moscow – June 2017
  3. On some uses of random matrices in quantum information theory – Analysis und Zufall seminar, TU Munich – June 2017
  4. Block-modified random matrices and applications to entanglement theoryMEGA seminar on random matrices and random graphs, Paris – May 2017 [pdf]
  5. Free compression norms and applications to quantum information theory – Mathematical physics seminar, Bristol – March 2017 [pdf]


  1. Quantum channels, groups, and non-commutative iterative scaling algorithms – CIMI workshop Complex analysis and noncommutative functions, Toulouse – October 2016
  2. Some analytical aspects of Hadamard matrices – Quantum Information Theory and Mathematical Physics, Budapest – September 2016 [pdf]
  3. Bipartite unitary operators inducing special classes of quantum channels – CTPGA Workshop Open Quantum Systems, Grenoble – May 2016 [pdf]
  4. Bipartite unitary operators inducing unitarily invariant classes of quantum channels – RCQI seminar, Bratislava – April 2016
  5. Sur l’intrication qubit-qudit – Quantum information theory seminar, University Lyon 1 – March 2016
  6. Random quantum channels and additivity violations – Random matrices seminar, IST Austria – March 2016 [pdf]
  7. Using random matrices in quantum information theory – 3 lectures at Seoul National University – February 2016 [pdf]
  8. Block-modified random matrices, operator-valued free probability, and applications to entanglement theory – Mathematical Aspects in Current Quantum Information Theory, Daejeon – February 2016 [pdf]


  1. Block-modified random matrices, operator-valued free probability, and
    applications to entanglement theory
    – Journées OSQPI, Paris – October 2015 [pdf]
  2. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – MPQ Quantum Coffee, Munich – July 2015 [pdf]
  3. Random quantum channels and additivity violations – invited lecture, Conference on Quantum Groups and Quantum Information Theory, Herstmonceux – July 2015 [pdf]
  4. Bipartite unitary operators inducing unitarily invariant classes of quantum channels – Quantum Markov Semigroups: Decoherence and empirical estimates, Genova – July 2015 [pdf]
  5. On random subspaces of matrices and free compression norms – Seminar, TU Graz – May 2015


  1. Quantum channels with polytopic images – ANR StoQ Meeting, Lyon – November 2014 [pdf]
  2. Quantum channels with polytopic images – MPQ Quantum Coffee, Munich – November 2014
  3. On qubit-qudit entanglement – TUM group retreat, Walting – September 2014
  4. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – 16th workshop on non-commutative harmonic analysis, Bedlewo – July 2014 [pdf]
  5. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – Random matrix theory: foundations and applications, Cracow – July 2014 [pdf]
  6. Random matrices and their use in Quantum Information Theory – 14th Annual Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information, Guelph – June 2014
  7. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – Operator Algebra Seminar, Tokyo – June 2014
  8. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – Operator Algebra Seminar, Kyoto – May 2014
  9. Entanglement of generic quantum states – IRSAMC Seminar, Toulouse – May 2014 [pdf]


  1. Optimization over random subspaces of matrices and free compression norms – Free Probability seminar, Saarbrücken – October 2013
  2. Random matrix theory with a view towards free probability, and connections to quantum information – New Mathematical Directions for Quantum Information workshop, Newton Institute, Cambridge – September 2013 [pdf, video 1, video 2]
  3. Invitation to (almost) Hadamard matrices – TUM group retreat, Zell am See – July 2013
  4. Entanglement of random subspaces – Advances on Open Quantum Systems summer school, Autrans – July 2013 [pdf]
  5. On the additivity of the minimum entropy of certain subspaces of tensor products – Workshop on Operator Spaces, Harmonic Analysis and Quantum Probability, Madrid – June 2013
  6. Intrication pour les états bipartis mélangés – Cogit meeting, Rouen – June 2013
  7. Random Subspaces of a Tensor Product and the Additivity Problem – UPT seminar, Timisaora – April 2013 [pdf]
  8. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – EMS-DMF joint mathematical weekend, Aarhus – April 2013 [pdf]
  9. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – Colloquium talk, St. John’s – January 2013 [pdf]


  1. Sur les valeurs singulières d’un ensemble de matrices rectangulaires – Séminaire d’Analyse, Lyon – October 2012
  2. Positive and completely positive maps via free additive powers of probability measures – Operator Spaces and Quantum Information Theory workshop, Lyon – October 2012
  3. Random subspaces of a tensor product and the additivity problem – DMV Annual Meeting 2012, Saarland University – September 2012 [pdf]
  4. Random subspaces of a tensor product and the additivity problem – TUM seminar, München – September 2012 [pdf]
  5. Random subspaces of a tensor product and the additivity problem – XIème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées, Bucuresti – August 2012 [pdf]
  6. Random subspaces of a tensor product and the additivity problem – Operator Spaces, Quantum Probability and Applications Workshop, Wuhan – June 2012 [pdf]
  7. Random Subspaces of a Tensor Product and the Additivity Problem – Probabilistic Methods in Quantum Mechanics Workshop, Lyon – May 2012 [pdf]
  8. Block-modified Wishart matrices and applications to entanglement theory – Random matrices and integrable systems winter school, Les Houches – March 2012
  9. Operations algebriques sur des matrices de Wishart par blocs et applications à la mecanique quantique – Seminaire Matrices Aleatoires – February 2012
  10. Statistical properties of random quantum channels – Invited lecture, CIRM workshop on the Geometry of Quantum Entanglement – January 2012


  1. Block-modified Wishart matrices and applications to entanglement theory – GDR IQFA Workshop, Paris – November 2011 [pdf]
  2. Block-modified Wishart matrices and applications to entanglement theory – Joint EMS-RMSE Mathematical Weekend, Bilbao – October 2011 [pdf]
  3. Block-modified Wishart matrices and applications to entanglement theory – 14th Non-commutative harmonic analysis Workshop, Bedlewo – September 2011 [pdf]
  4. Positivity in Quantum Information Theory – Positivity Workshop, Fields Institute, Toronto – August 2011 [pdf]
  5. Asymptotic eigenvalues of block-transposed Wishart matrices – Analysis seminar, University of Ottawa – June 2011
  6. Additivité de la capacité des canaux quantiques, ou comment l’intrication peut aider la transmission de l’information – Annual meeting between the Mathematics and Physics departments at the Univeristy of Toulouse – April 2011 [pdf]
  7. Random subspaces of a tensor product and the additivity problem – Quantum Information Theory Seminar, Madrid – March 2011
  8. Valeurs et vecteurs propres associés aux sous-espaces aléatoires d’un produit tensoriel – Séminaire de probabilités, Toulouse – February 2011
  9. Propriétés statistiques des états quantiques aléatoires – Séminaire de probabilités, Cergy – February 2011 [pdf]


  1. Random quantum states – Open Quantum Systems conference, Grenoble – November 2010 [pdf]
  2. Graphical calculus for random quantum channels – Mittag-Leffler program on QIT, Stockholm – November 2010 [pdf]
  3. Entanglement of random subspaces – Workshop on Groups and Group Actions in Operator Theory, Ottawa – July 2010
  4. Random graph states and area laws – Random Matrix Techniques in Quantum Information Theory workshop, Waterloo – July 2010 [pdf]
  5. Random graph states, maximum flow on networks and the Fuss-Catalan ensembles of density matrices – IQC Colloquium, Waterloo – March 2010 [pdf]
  6. Random matrix techniques in quantum information theory – Analysis seminar, Saskatoon – March 2010
  7. Free probability techniques in quantum information theory – QIP 2010 Rump Session, Zurich – January 2010 [pdf]
  8. Applications des probabilités libres à la théorie quantique de l’information – Séminaire des matrices aléatoires, Toulouse – January 2010
  9. Free probability techniques in quantum information theory – Analysis seminar, Waterloo University – January 2010


  1. Random matrix models in quantum information theory – invited talk at the Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting, Windsor – December 2009
  2. Products of random quantum channels – McGill Cryptography and Quantum Information seminar, Montréal – September 2009 [pdf]
  3. Random matrix models in quantum information theory – Free probability seminar, Kingston – September 2009
  4. Random quantum channels: graphical calculus – Fields Workshop on Operator Structures in Quantum Information, Toronto – July 2009 [pdf]
  5. Majorization, entanglement catalysis, stochastic domination and l_p norms – Fields Workshop on Operator Structures in Quantum Information, Toronto – July 2009 [pdf]
  6. Canaux quantiques aléatoires et le problème d’additivité – Random Matrix Seminar, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse – June 2009 [pdf]
  7. A graphical calculus for random quantum channels in quantum information theory – atelier Décohérence et information quantique, Grenoble – June 2009
  8. Random repeated quantum interactions and random invariant states – Journées Systèmes Ouverts, Grenoble – March 2009 [pdf]
  9. A new diagrammatic approach to matrix integrals with applications to quantum information theory – Student talk at the winter school Geneva-Lyon on mathematical physics, Les Diablerets – February 2009


  1. A permutation model for free random variables – Special talk at the mini-workshop “Introduction to infinite-dimensional topological groups”, Ottawa – September 2008 [pdf]
  2. Transformations de l’intrication quantique – Colloque “Aspects théoriques de l’information quantique”, Aspet – June 2007 (text in french) [pdf]
  3. Transformations de l’intrication quantique – Séminaire du Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy – May 2007 (text in french) [pdf]
  4. Transformations de l’intrication quantique – Journées Informatique Quantique, Grenoble – May 2007 (text in french) [pdf]
  5. Random density matrices – Open Quantum Systems Days, Marseille – November 2006 [pdf]
  6. Matrices densités aléatoires – Séminaire de physique mathamatique, Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon – October 2006 [pdf]